Julie Countryman, CPP, FP-OR

A recent transplant from the Pacific Northwest, Julie has been in the photography world for over 10 years. Photographing everything from real estate, headshots, families, weddings, seniors and more. You can find her portrait work at greybirddesignstudio.com

Julie is an Award Winning, Certified Professional Photographer. She is proud to serve the photographic community as a Past President of the Oregon Professional Photographers Association. Julie has also earned her Fellow of Photography Degree from OPPA. She is also a member of the Professional Photographers of America and Arizona Professional Photographers Association. She also volunteers as a Digital Retouch Artist for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.

© Copyright 2022 Arizona Real Estate Photos | Jules Creative LLC - All Rights Reserved

Anthem, Avondale, Buckeye, El Mirage, Glendale, Goodyear, Laveen, Litchfield Park, Peoria, Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, Surprise, Tolleson, Waddell, and Youngtown.